
Posts Tagged ‘trevor time’

So Matt and I scored some free tickets to the Brewer game on Friday night through our awesome friend Chad. We were in the 18th row behind home plate. I am hesitant to share this with you because I’m now expecting about 82 emails asking for tickets.

This is the first time I’ve ever gotten tickets through Chad where we didn’t have to pay – he is just all kinds of awesome. But I don’t want to abuse the friendship or anything so that’s probably the last time we’ll ever go without paying.

We still had to pay for some things. Things like $10 to park on the street. We got to the parking attendant at approximately 6:55 for a 7:05 start time, and we had to pay $10 to park on the damn curb. Look, I even took a picture to prove it.


Anyway, we made it just in time for the first pitch.

Two rows in front of us, this guy walks in wearing a Cubs hat and a Derek Lee jersey. This was a Brewers vs. Reds game people. No Cubs allowed, right? So the people sitting next to us proceeded to harass this guy the entire game (and he deserved it). Mostly it was a lot of “Cubs suck” and “Derek Lee sucks”, but suddenly, at one of those quiet moments, one of the guys yelled “Derek Lee Eats Pandas”! It was hilarious. Even Buzz Williams was laughing.


Don’t know Buzz Williams? He’s Marquette’s basketball coach. Don’t worry, I got all stalkerish and snapped a picture of him for you. He’s the bald guy.

Anyway, Brewers won 3-2. And we got to see Trevor Time in all its glory. Which makes me happy.


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