
Posts Tagged ‘aunt flo’

Monday Evening Funnies

Here are two things that made me laugh today. 

img_15321#1 – My Appearance.  So, I have to dress nice for work.  As in, a suit.  Or nice pants/skirt and a nice top.  I spend a significant amount of time in the morning picking out something suitable to wear.  Then, I put on my nice, warm winter coat.  Then I put on my boots.  Because here’s the thing.  I am short.  And my pants are generally too long.  So I wear nice high heels to compensate.  I can’t take the bus and walk the half-block to work in said heels in the middle of winter. 

So instead, I stuff my nice, clean, ironed pants into these hideous looking Ugg knock-offs.  I haven’t really found a good solution to this problem.  I try looking at the other professional women walking around downtown Milwaukee for some inspiration, but so far I have only seen really short pants or *gasp* crocs.   Apparently Milwaukee women are not known for their fashion sense.  I can now count myself among them.  

I know they look like moon boots and they are covered in road salt and ugly snow spots.  They have also become Indy’s favorite play toy.  And yet, I still wear them every day.  I am mostly just too lazy to go out looking for new boots.  So, dear readers, if you have any suggestions for some new footwear, I would love to hear it.

#2 – My Great-Aunt-in-law.  I was in the ladies room today, and I overheard someone mention “Aunt Flo”.  I have a feeling that everyone reading this blog knows what “Aunt Flo” means.  If you don’t know, just google it (the urban dictionary will give you the answer – yes, it’s actually in the urban dictionary!).  Now, Matt didn’t learn what the term “Aunt Flo” meant until he got to college.  This isn’t really a big surprise, I suppose, being that he is a man.  However, I also have a sneaking suspicion that most of the women in Matt’s family don’t know what “Aunt Flo” means either.  And that’s okay too. 

But the reason I find all of this funny is because Matt actually has an Aunt Flo in his family.  And this, my friends, is what she looks like.  From the back.

We love you Aunt Flo!


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